google cloud vps

google cloud vps

What is Google Cloud? Google Cloud refers to a catalogue of self-service, automated computing solutions offered by Google, including distribution computing, storage, and application-function-specific services, right up to highly technical tools for big data processing and examination. As a cloud computing service, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and its resources are built specifically for the organizations … Read more

Pink Hydrogen Facilities Benefit from Steady Nuclear Power

Pink Hydrogen Produced By

What is Pink Hydrogen? Pink hydrogen or pink H₂ is one of the colored types of hydrogen. It is obtained after passing steam through nuclear power plants to an electrolyzer that produces pure hydrogen and oxygen. Regardless of the color whether pink, purple, or red it has been produced through the same process. Pink Hydrogen … Read more

United Nations Warning on Cyber Mercenaries

Cyber Mercenaries

United Nations Warning on Cyber Mercenaries Recently the UN Secretary-General expressed concerns over what is now turning to be regular cyber mercenaries. These are private companies that are vested in with the production, marketing and support of all types of Offensive Cyber Capabilities, which is a major threat to security. Here are some key points … Read more

download google chrome for windows 11

download google chrome for windows 11

How to Download Google Chrome for Windows 11 Google Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers, known for its speed, simplicity, and security features. If you’re running Windows 11 and want to install Google Chrome, follow these easy steps. Steps to Download Google Chrome for Windows 11 Open Your Current Browser: Open Microsoft … Read more

India’s First Graphene Innovation Centre in Kerala

graphene innovation centre kerala

Graphene Innovation Centre Kerala The Union government recently unveiled the country’s fist Graphene Innovation Centre India (IICG) in Kerala. The pioneering has the objective of developing excellence in research, innovation of products as well as the capacity building in the area of graphene and two dimensional material systems. The formation of the new IICG appears … Read more

What is White Rabbit Technology

What is White Rabbit Technology

White Rabbit Collaboration: A Leap in Time Synchronization Introduction The White Rabbit Collaboration project is based on the original idea of achieving device synchronization with extraordinary precision and high security. As CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) brought this technology into being, it guarantees machines do their jobs with pinpoint accuracy, down to the … Read more

Robot That Can Create an Entire Pizza in Just 4 Minutes

Robot That Can Create an Entire Pizza in Just 4 Minutes

Introduction I am a foodie and a tech infatuated individual and have always found this link between the crucial role of culinary arts and the technologically intrigued unique and invigorating. And I think it won’t be fairer than having a robot that is, in just 4 minutes, able to create a whole pizza, the result of … Read more

can AI-Generate Love Letters

can AI-Generate Love Letters

Can AI-Generated Love Letters Truly Capture the Heart? Ah, love letters. Poems of those days were forms of drawing some elusive and incomprehensible kind of love through a candle on the side which remain a part of our society’s cultural heritage. However, in the era of speed and technology that we live in, the question becomes the … Read more

Can we Generate Electricity from Sweat

Can we Generate Electricity from Sweat

Can we Generate Electricity from Sweat Introduction: Try to imagine that your fitness bracelet, smartwatch, or smartphone may no longer require batteries of the traditional type, but instead it would be powered by something as obvious and regularly available as sweat. This might sound like science fiction, but it may be very close to reality, … Read more