Hinsdale south high school teacher death

Hinsdale south high school teacher death

  Hinsdale South High School Teacher Death Hinsdale south high school teacher death :As an active blogger who has told stories about education throughout local communities for years, it leave me no other option but to feel more overwhelmed knowing that a dedicated educator is no longer with us. The condolence that the school really got … Read more

Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO) 2024

Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO) 2024

Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO) 2024: Conquering the Mathematical Everest Hey mathletes! Weren’t there any times when you saw a spontaneous equation and felt your pulse race instead of freeze? I know that you might be playing the devil’s advocate, but most probably, there is a hidden mathematician in there as well. I bet you’d face an extremely … Read more

A school district in Arizona caused a stir by proposing an elective course on Extraterrestrial Intelligence

A school district in Arizona caused a stir by proposing an elective course on Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Introduction Do you ever stare up at the sky comprised of stars and our galaxy and ask yourself “Are we alone?” Such deep question has bound us and the mankind in general for eternity, and with these high technological development in the area of space exploration, it might be just near. This week, an Arizona district school, … Read more

Alpacas to help students with autism spectrum disorder

Alpacas to help students with autism spectrum disorder

Autism & Alpacas: A Humorous Comrade for Students It’s been said some great things come in smaller quantities but have you ever thought something that is small can give you calmness and excitement? Recently, I had the chance to visit a therapy center that incorporated an unexpected furry friend: that’s alpacas for you! Rather than being seen … Read more

school in Maryland uses jousting to teach math

school in Maryland uses jousting to teach math

Introduction That time when you were just figuring out jousting, the medieval combat sport, and you were tasked with teaching math (LOL)? Can recognize this, a suburban school in Maryland is doing it all, believed by both teachers and students, and is turning heads in the educational world! Not just for a regular blogger, an authoritative … Read more

French goats helping with student stress

French goats helping with student stress

Introduction  Homework leaves you drowning in deadlines, texts’ piles increase until they exceed your level of motivation, and the pressure to succeed is as heavy as a badge on the chest of a trooper. All of a sudden, a ball of fur and soft fleece mysteriously appears, accompanied by a sweet ‘bleat!’ As if this touch … Read more

Icelandic School Ban on Homework

Icelandic School Ban on Homework

Introduction Icelandic School Ban on Homework: Making the family time a priority is also one of the key features of parenting I have learned so far. I often wonder about our special ability to help students not only learn but to also understand and apply this knowledge in their daily lives. Parents often wonder what kids … Read more

floating Classrooms: Transforming Learning on the Waves

floating Classrooms: Transforming Learning on the Waves

Introduction Picture a school not on land, but quietly moving on wate­r, skillfully navigating river currents or ocean swe­lls. While it might seem like­ a scene from a fantasy book, floating schools are re­al. They bring learning to areas whe­re standard schools are unfeasible­ or hard to reach. In this write-up, we’ll inspe­ct the floating … Read more

The Rise­ of AI Usage in China

The Rise­ of AI Usage in China

The Rise­ of AI Usage in China: Delving into the Dragon’s Digital Domain Eve­r had a chat with your phone’s virtual assistant about what the weathe­r’s gonna be like? While it may se­em odd, it’s just a small peek into the­ massive universe of AI. And China? The­y’re leaping ahead in this fie­ld like a … Read more